What is the latitude & longitude for Bayonne New Jersey?

Latitude: 40.66871
Longitude: -74.11431

What zipcode(s) cover Bayonne New Jersey?



What county is Bayonne New Jersey's in?

Bayonne New Jersey is located in Hudson County

What is Bayonne New Jersey's area code?


What is Bayonne New Jersey's population?

Bayonne New Jersey has a population of 66,311

How many households are in Bayonne New Jersey?

There are 25,474 in Bayonne New Jersey.

What is the median income Bayonne New Jersey?

The median income in Bayonne New Jersey is $54,413.00 per year.

What is the total land area of Bayonne New Jersey?

The total land area of Bayonne New Jersey is 162,293,563.36 square feet.

What is the total water area of Bayonne New Jersey?

The total water area of Bayonne New Jersey is 146,868,787.02 square feet.

What timzone is Bayonne New Jersey in?

Bayonne New Jersey is in the America/New_York timezone.