What is the latitude & longitude for Staunton Illinois?

Latitude: 39.01227
Longitude: -89.79121

What zipcode(s) cover Staunton Illinois?



What county is Staunton Illinois's in?

Staunton Illinois is located in Macoupin County

What is Staunton Illinois's area code?


What is Staunton Illinois's population?

Staunton Illinois has a population of 5,018

How many households are in Staunton Illinois?

There are 2,360 in Staunton Illinois.

What is the median income Staunton Illinois?

The median income in Staunton Illinois is $41,523.00 per year.

What is the total land area of Staunton Illinois?

The total land area of Staunton Illinois is 107,762,365.06 square feet.

What is the total water area of Staunton Illinois?

The total water area of Staunton Illinois is 815,828.27 square feet.

What timzone is Staunton Illinois in?

Staunton Illinois is in the America/Chicago timezone.