Job Hunting 101: How to Find the Perfect Accounting Job

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Ever since you were young, math was your favorite subject in school. While other kids groaned over algebra, your face lit up with excitement when it came to equations.

You were the best. You answered questions faster than other kids and achieved stellar grades. As you got older, you thought about a practical and financially stable career where you can constantly use your math skills—accounting.

And it’s no wonder you did since an accountant is one career that’s full of opportunity for self-proclaimed mathematicians.

Ready to get the accounting job of your dreams? Below, we’ll go over everything you need to know so you can achieve it.

Let’s get into it!

Accounting Job Details

Before we get you started on how to land that dream job, let’s learn more about it. Keep reading for all the details on job duties, salary information, and education requirements.

Job Duties

As an accountant, numbers are your best friend. You’ll need strong mathematical skills and great attention to detail.

You’ll be looking over a lot of financial data for mistakes or irregularities which makes problem-solving skills a must. Not only that but you’ll need to adapt when policies and regulations change.

You’ll spend a lot of time working alone. Communication is key, especially when talking to clients or other staff members.


On average, accountants are paid $33.89 an hour or $70,500 annually. Work is full-time, with 1 in 5 accountants working more than 40 hours a week.

As for the job outlook aspect, things are looking good. The number of accounting jobs is expected to grow by 10% from 2016 to 2026. That’s faster than other jobs.

Education Requirements

Although not necessarily required, it’s best if you have at least a bachelor’s degree. From there, you can go on to earn an MBA.

Those wanting to work for a public accounting firm will need to pass the Certified Public Accountant, or CPA, exam. To get there, you’ll need at least 150 college credits to take it.

How to Achieve Your Dream of Being an Accountant

Now that you’re equipped with all the important information and necessary requirements, you’re ready for the next step. Below, we map out how to get an accounting job.

Get Your Resume in Shape

Don’t worry if you don’t have any experience accounting right off the bat. Instead, prioritize education over experience.

Put your bachelor’s degree or certification at the top of your resume. This shows potential employers you’re fresh out of school and are ready to learn. If anything, this will land you intern opportunities that can turn to full-time positions.

As for the overall aesthetic of your resume, keep it clean. Avoid using walls of text and use bullet points for concise thoughts.

Search Job Boards

Online job boards are constantly updated with new opportunities daily. But before you start sending in your resume to every job you see, take these factors into consideration:

  • Location
  • Company
  • Industry
  • Salary
  • Job duties

Each job is different. Even though they’re all accounting-related, each company has a different idea of what their accountant should be doing. Some will have you do payroll while others consist of auditing.

You’ll also want to take into consideration what industry the company is in. You’ll need to adapt to what the company specializes in to keep track of financial information.

Same goes for the type they are; non-profits differ greatly from for-profit businesses.

Get Online

We’re living in a digital age so it only makes sense for you to get online. LinkedIn is a good place to start.

It’s a social media site dedicated to connecting professionals with companies. The whole point of this platform is to connect with other like-minded professionals and potential employers in your area of expertise.

When you join, be sure to fill out your profile completely. The more complete it is, the better your chances of finding your dream job.

From there, get connecting! Send out connection requests to those that pique your interest. It doesn’t hurt to send messages along with your requests explaining who you are, what you do, and what you’re looking for.

Stay Focused

Before you get discouraged, remember to stay focused. Job hunting takes time and a whole lot of effort. There are plenty of jobs out there so have patience and keep at it.

So you don’t lose sight of the big picture, set career goals.

Where do you see yourself in five years? What kind of benefits are you looking for? Are you willing to work long hours?

Answering these questions will set you on the right path to finding jobs more to your liking. Write them down and keep them close to you. Use them to evaluate which companies and positions you want to apply to.

Consider Interning or Applying to Temporary Positions

To get your foot in the door, try applying to internships or temporary positions. Some internships may be unpaid but if you can handle it, they’re a great way to learn everything you need to know.

Temporary jobs don’t offer security but there is a chance you could be hired for a full-time position. As with interning, you’ll also learn a lot about what you need to know.

This might not be everyone’s cup of tea but when all else fails, these are better options than endlessly job searching. Both of these options allow you to learn different types of accounting and more of what companies are looking for.

Find an Accounting Job Today

What are you waiting for? After learning all there is to know about accounting jobs (and how to get one), all that’s left to do is get out there!

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